We started the hunt for a trailer about a year ago and FINALLY we have one. (I feel like it's my new baby.) It's a 6 x 12 and perfect. Bob and Pam (they're dealers at Rockin B) were getting a larger one and we bought their old one. Within two or three days we were off on a road trip!!! This sucker is pretty big and I was a little nervous about driving it but I managed to go to Chattanooga, TN and back by going forward the WHOLE time. I meant I WAS NOT going to turn this thing around or back it up because I haven't practiced that yet. I did get myself in a little "pickle" one time but a super sweet guy ended up helping me back it up. (That's after he watched me look like a nut for about 10 minutes.) I kept trying to back up and then go forward to inch my way around but I just kept keeping the same path...I never made any progress. I'm sure he enjoyed the show. Well, when we got started on the trip we planned it so we could hit an auction Thursday night, spend the night, go to an estate sale the next morning, then junk all the way back. Needless to say, we made it worth our while. It was one of those trips where we found TONS and TONS of stuff. Here are lots of pics of the treasures we found. REMEMBER EVERYTHING IN THESE PICTURES IS FOR SALE. COME SHOP AT MY HOUSE OR AT MY BOOTHS AT ROCKIN B ANTIQUES OR DESIGN HOUSE!!!

OK...I have to give you a little background on this FABULOUS find. My son is a senior this year and plays competitive baseball all over the surrounding states. Of course I go junking in between his games all the time. I stopped at this SKANK of a place and had to make myself go in. Usually nothing bothers me or keeps me from junkin but this place was really creepy. So I go in and race through this place at high speed because one thing I've learned in my junkin adventures is "You never know what you might find..." I found this huge old chalkboard in the very back of the room. (it was really the bathroom with crap shoved in every corner) I rushed to the front and asked if it was for sale knowing what the answer would probably be but SURPRISE he said it was and then gave me a ridiculously low price!! Being as cheap as I am I asked if that was his best price and he even came down some more. WOO HOO!! So I pull up to the game with a monster black board in the back of the truck. Thank goodness my son is used to it. Just another day in his mom's crazy junkin adventures.

The knobs on the side are too cool!! It flips as well and it's blackboard on both sides!! It'll be in one of my booths soon for $150!
Here's a picture of the chalk tray!! I really want to keep it. My son and Kelsey (his girlfriend of nearly 4 years) played pictionary on it and had so much fun.
Her they are going to the prom this past year. I know he's mine and she's part mine too but aren't they just beautiful? OK enought bragging...MORE PICS!!
A great old simplex clock. It works great and believe it or not I have one even cooler than this one. I believe it was used in a classroom or over a time clock area. It's really heavy and too cute. $38!!
I found 8 of these retro stools and went BUCKO!! The whole set is $250!!
Here's a old child's cupboard I snagged. The glass on the two top doors is really neat. The middle drawers are just for show. They don't open but the bottom two doors do open and it's it's sooo cute!
Another look...
And another...It's $135
I LOVED this piece of folk art?? This shoe is one of my favorites and I don't really know why I just do!! $22
Old bread box thing??? $65
Closer view...
LOTS of great windows!! Love the color!!
Great industrial fixtures!!
This color is my weakness!! They go in an old frig. Great for display or whatever...
I have another one of those cute red chairs!
Lots of old iron pieces...
Another one of my favorites..For some wacko reason I love this old mailbox. I found another too but have to get the nails out of it. OW!!
Looks like a bunch of junk but look closely and you'll see some neat stuff.
Hello my little pretties!!
We really "dolled" this one up with old linens, buttons, and brooches.
Great old metal advertising shelf...
Here's the other side....
OK OK, Here we go...I know I've said it many times BUT this is one of my favorite finds in a while. This is a pic of one side. The other side says Group 8 on it. It has 4 huge cubbies on each side and the best thing about it...IT ROLLS!! I'm probably going to add some old hooks in a couple of them but we'll see...
Here's a pic of the cubbies. We still haven't unpacked everything yet. There's crap stuffed everywhere!!
I found several funky retro light fixtures this trip.
And another...
Love this old stamp holder!! Might keep it!!
I go these at an estate sale buried deep in a closet. I think someone was trying to hide it and maybe come back later to buy them but I sniffed them out and went CRAZY when I saw all the maps in this display and the age of them. Lots of them are from the 1930's and 1940's!!
Here are some pics of just a couple of them.
Several old screen doors. I might blackboard some of them...
We got this at a thrift shop along with the night stand and chest of drawers. They had the bed with it but it was a king size and we didn't want it. I can't even tell you what we got all the pieces for cause you' won't believe me but WOW what a deal!! We brought it home and painted, stained, and shabbied it up. We added a little pink to it and that really set it off.
A closer look!!
This piece rolls too!! I was going to use it as an end table but it was too high. Maybe a night stand??? Anyhoo, it's $125!!
CALL OFF THE DOGS THE HUNT IS OVER!!!! I've been looking for some huge letters like this forever and I found them in the weirdest place. I was at an auction and noticed that this building had tons of them stacked up on the top shelf of their storage room. After many questions I found out that they belonged to the owner of the building. I hunted him down and as soon as he said: "What in the world would you want those for?" I knew it was going to be a good day....He sold me the whole lot (around 30) for a crazy price. They open up and had those led lights in most of them but the bulbs were cracked or broken. I didn't want to deal with that anyway... They are HUGE and FABULOUS!! They are several different sizes ranging from $45 to $75 each.
And more...
The biggest one and my favorite. It comes up to my chest at least.
I'll end this posting with a pic of my crazy obsessions at the moment. I have lots of dolls parts for sale!! Remember ALL of these picturea are of items I have at mine or my Mom's house. They are all for sale and waiting to be bought!! COME AND GET IT!! I'll post pictures of my booths in the next post. SEEYA!!